Between Astral and Umbral exists a very slim balance...if you can call it 'balance' at all.
barEQUILIBRIUM is an ingame social event that's packed with quizzes and games.
We run every Saturday night on Zodiark server, at 6:30PM Server Time (ST)
Zodiark, The Goblet
Ward 23
Plot 12
All screenshots Copyright (C) 2010-2019 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. FINAL FANTASY XIV
We are an ingame, virtual, for-fun bar-themed social event in FFXIV's Zodiark server.
With the concept of Light vs Dark as our backbone, we redesigned our FC's house into barEQUILIBRIUM, featuring stage space, plenty of GPose-ready environments, and seating.
We opened at the beginning of July 2020, and intend to continue as a space for socialising, quizzes and games, casual RP, Triple Triad, Bard performance, and more.
Thanks to our generous visitors, we were able to move from a Small venue to a Medium venue in October 2020. Our new venue features ample seating and its own mini auditorium for special Bard performances.
We bring you approximately two hours of games and quizzes to participate in - come along and win some prizes! On top of our short, fun segments that anyone can participate in, we hold one 'large' event per week; These alternate between Glamour contests and Raffles. No two weeks are the same, so come and check out what we have to offer whenever you're free!
Why did you open?
One of our original members (Etiaux Myste @ Zodiark) participates both as a customer and as staff in many weekly store events on Elemental DC, and lamented the lack of similar events on EU.
With the help of two others in the same Free Company (Atene Ujisawa @ Zodiark, Aier Sarhai @ Zodiark) , we worked to bring the concept of a social, performance-friendly in-game housing bar to Zodiark, but developed our own unique 'stage show' style.
We push ourselves to deliver a new schedule of fun events for everyone to enjoy every week, setting ourselves apart from other housing events by running a full schedule of games and quizzes every Saturday night.
Do I have to RP?
No, not at all. (But you can if you want!)
To match the theming of Light VS Dark, the staff will be vaguely in-character, but we don't take ourselves too seriously. At our Seasonal events, we run themed skits throughout the night. RPers are welcome but we humbly ask that you interact mindfully with RPers and non-RPers alike.
You don't have to be an RPer to come along and enjoy the party! This is a free space for everyone to come and enjoy a fun and social evening. We hope that you can join regardless of whether you're an RPer or not!
The only thing we ask is that you keep the event fun, respectful, and SFW (Safe for Work).
Your Staff
Our staff are separated into two distinct teams to try and maintain the balance of barEQUILIBRIUM. Who's your favourite?
Can I perform at EQUILIBRIUM?
Sure! Please come and talk to one of the staff at the event itself, ideally the week before you intend to perform. We do request that you keep your setlists to tracks allowed in the FFXIV ToS - while we don't have anything against you playing other things, we can't confirm that all of our guests will think the same, so it's safer for you!
I run another user event in FF. Can we collab? Can I advertise at EQUILIBRIUM?
One of our goals is to increase the frequency of regular user events in the EU servers of XIV. Please talk to our staff ingame and we'd be happy to check out your event and consider organising collabs, passing over to you at the end of our events to advertise (please don't do so without our permission as we're on a tight schedule, though!), or talk through any other ideas you might have. Let's make Eorzea an exciting place together!
Can I tip you in gil/items?
Sure. Tips are completely not obligatory, and if you don't have any gil and just want to give a member of staff a little item, go ahead. We won't turn you down (unless our inventory is full, of course!)
English is not my first language, what do I do?
Unfortunately the staff are only able to offer English (EN, all staff) or Japanese (日本語, Etiaux only). If you would like us to clarify the meaning of certain words, please feel free to use Say or /tell to let us know!
Can I come if I am on the Free Trial?
Of course! We hope you enjoy your time in Eorzea!
If you're on the Free Trial, you are unfortunately unable to receive prizes. But don't let that dissuade you from joining in! You can pass your prizes on to other visitors, and if you decide to stay in Eorzea and come back with the full version of the game after passing on your prizes, come back to receive a little gift from the staff.
Can I GPose the event?
Yes! Use the #barEQUILIBRIUM hashtag on Twitter to share your photos.
Someone is causing me to feel uncomfortable.
Our event is intended to be a fun and safe zone for every visitor. We are SFW, LGBTI+ inclusive, and don't tolerate hate or inappropriate behaviour. Please send a /tell to a member of staff, who will bring it up with the other members; we will then speak directly to the visitor in question, and ask them to leave the event if necessary. Please understand that there may be a short delay while we communicate, but any concerns will be immediately brought up with all staff.
Past Events
For new visitors who wish to look back at our special Seasonal Events. Here's a run-down for those who want to reminisce, or those who missed the events!
barEQUILIBRIUM: All Saints' Wake [2020]

The bar is thrust into disarray when a customer discovers a severely late Ettie is not actually late, but dead. More and more gruesome happenings through the night leave clue after clue for the guests to follow, and the audience help Yasai decide to finally confront Aier with an accusation. The spirit of an (incredibly lore-inappropriate) Ascian within Aier reveals himself, and challenges the customers to a life-or-death dice game!
barEQUILIBRIUM: Starlight Party [2020]

A selfish Atene claims the Starlight Stage all for herself, only to be confronted by the Ghosts of Starlight Past, Present, and Future, who challenge the audience to games and puzzles to teach her that kindness is the way to go. After seeing a miserable vision of the future of herself and EQUILIBRIUM, Atene gets a chance to prove that she's changed her ways - with the help of the audience's quiz knowledge!
barEQUILIBRIUM: Valentine's Birthday Party [2021]

On Aier's birthday, Marisi's attempt to use a little cupid magic backfires, leaving Ettie, Yasai, and Atene with inverted personalities. Aier calls the mysterious mage 'Romancomancer' to help him revert the spell, and potion ingredients start to appear in prize packs. Marisi's ex-wife intrudes with a chaotic scavenger hunt, and Marisi learns that friendship is a very special kind of love as he sacrifices his possessions to bring their personalities back.
barEQUILIBRIUM: April Fools' Rehaul [2021]

Octave's reports back to the mysterious 'boss' have all staff apart from himself and Ettie fired, and replaced with 'productive' equivalents. After a corporate-mandated 'fun' 'experience', Ettie feigns sickness to distract the new staff and questions if this is what Octave really wanted. Ettie takes the audience to Head Office to complain, where it's revealed that EQUI's owner is a Namazu! When the original staff return, they are chased down by the boss, and a battle full of games and quizzes helps everyone, including Octave, take the bar back into their own hands from their Namazu overlord.
barEQUILIBRIUM: First Year Anniversary! [2021]
A frantic Atene's spells go haywire and transport herself, Octave, and the customers to Boz, dropping the stage on a familiar-looking Witch...! Atene receives the Witch's red shoes and meets a cowardly Hrothgar who wishes to be braver, a heartless Tin Man who wants to learn to love, and a brainless Scarecrow who wants to learn how to do cooler backflips on her quest to return home. Together they go to see the Wizard of Boz, defeat the Wicked Octave, and Atene restores the regular Equilibrium just in time for the anniversary celebrations.